Wondering how far a propane tank needs to be installed away from your home? For most homeowners installing a single tank, a minimum of 10 feet from anything and everything is a quick rule of thumb. We’ve put together a simple graphic that addresses most requirements for safe LP tank installation.
An above ground propane tank needs to be at least 10 feet away from any exterior source of ignition, openings into direct-vent gas appliances, or mechanical ventilation air intakes (Location of ASME Containers from NFPA 58, Appendix 1). If activated, safety relief valves will vent propane vertically meaning propane tanks cannot be installed under an awning or building overhang (Propane Tank Distance Requirements, Propane101.com). Sources of ignition include window A/C units and central A/C compressors. Minimum distances increase with tank size and multiple tank installations. Additional federal, state, or local ordinances or pertinent industry regulations may apply to your install.
When having an LP tank installed for your home, choose the experts at Crystal Flash. All of our teammates complete ongoing, monthly training and we will work with you to find the optimal location for your propane tank that meets the latest guidelines and your preferences.
Additional Recommendations
We recommend a tank location that can be seen from your driveway. This helps your delivery driver find your tank quickly, no matter the weather. Also, make sure your address can be easily seen from both directions of traffic at the road with reflective numbers as well as having well-lit numbers displayed near your front door.